American Education Week - 2020
The Lakeland Community and STEAM Center has partnered with Northrop Grumman, and the Reginald F. Lewis Museum and University of Maryland Extension to provide these fun an educational activities to spotlight the importance of education in our country.
Enjoy these experiments and museum tours, and remember: STAY CURIOUS!

Reginald F. Lewis Museum + University of Maryland Extension:
Emergency Medical Services and First Aid
Watch Ms. Terry Taylor take you on a virtual museum visit, introducing you to Esther McCready, the first African American nurse to work for the University of Maryland. Then, Mr. Albert Lewis will explain more about the professions of EMT and paramedic, and he will give you some practical advice on how to act when someone gets hurt.
Oh! And don’t miss out on the final fun scavenger hunt they created for you!
Click HERE to see the video and do the scavenger hunt!

Reginald F. Lewis Museum + University of Maryland Extension:
Anatomy: Body Systems
Once again, Ms. Terry Taylor will walk down the Reginald F. Lewis Museum, this time to tell you about the first African American doctors in Maryland. Watch Mr. Albert Lewis tell you about Dr. Ben Carson’s work, and how different body systems work.
Stay tuned to learn how to make your own pretzel skeleton!
Click HERE for the video and activity!

Northrop Grumman + NGWIN:
Banana DNA Extraction
Ms. Gabby will tell about her background as an aerospace engineer, and her current work at Northrop Grumman. She will also show us how to separate the DNA of a banana! Isn’t that crazy? She will use a bunch of different elements, such as alcohol, a Ziploc bag, and a coffee filter to do so, and prove to us that all living beings have DNA in their cells
Watch HERE to discover how to do it!

Northrop Grumman + One Adelante:
Build a Catapult
Ms. Nicole Cuello Wajdowicz will teach us how to build a catapult with materials as simple as pencils, a spoon, and rubber bands. In doing this, she will take us through the engineering design process, and invites viewers to get creative and challenge themselves… can you get your ammo into a cup? Who can make it the furthest?
Watch HERE and give it a try!

Northrop Grumman + BWI Pathways Council:
Rainbow Experiment
Ms. Vanessa Ortiz, a member of one of the volunteers association at NG, has put together this colorful experiment using baking soda, food dye, and vinegar.
Watch HERE until the end to see what happens!

Northrop Grumman + One Adelante:
The Walking Rainbow Experiment
Ms. Vanessa Ortiz has done it again! This time, we get to enjoy an experiment which simply uses water and food coloring… and a bunch of glass cups and paper towels! What do you think will happen?
Watch HERE to find out!

Virtual Student Art Gallery - 2021
Our scholars participating in the LC+SC Spring Art Club have created amazing works of art. Ms. Masters curated creative art projects; then, her, Ms. Froneberger, Ms. Hazany, and Ms. Ana put together 200 (!!) art kits with art the supplies and bilingual instructions for our scholars at Lakeland and Westport .
And our magnificent artists made magic happen! Teamwork makes the dream work! And here is proof!
Nuestros alumnos que participaron del Club de Arte del LC+SC crearon obras de arte maravillosas. Ms. Masters seleccionó proyectos de arte creativos; después ella, Ms. Froneberger, Ms. Hazany, y Ms. Ana armaron 200 (!!) kits de arte con materiales e instrucciones en inglés y español para nuestros alumnos en Lakeland y Westport.
¡Y nuestros magníficos artistas hicieron posible la magia! Los sueños se logran en equipo, ¡y aquí está la prueba!