
The Lakeland Community and STEAM Center (LCSC) is a signature component of the Lakeland Partnership, a project of the UMBC Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program, which was established in 2006 to recruit and prepare teachers for urban and diverse classrooms. In 2012, the “Sherman Scholars Program” expanded their work to include school partnership efforts with the goals of improving PreK-12 student outcomes and providing meaningful pre-service and in-service teacher development. Lakeland Elementary Middle School was their first school partner, and the Lakeland Community and STEAM Center grew from that partnership.

Today, LCSC works with a diverse array of community partners to make our programming possible. In combination with our core partnership with the school and Baltimore City Recreation and Parks (BCRP), a village of community leaders, nonprofits, and master educators drive the variety of programming that we are able to provide students and families throughout the year.


UMBC Sherman Scholars Program

The Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program supports scholars to become culturally responsive and compassionate STEM educators by collaborating with UMBC faculty and local schools. Through school-based partnerships, the program facilitates authentic learning experiences for scholars while promoting student achievement and engagement in STEM.

Lakeland Community Association Partnership 

The Lakeland Community Association Partnership helps design youth and community events, programs, celebrations and camps that are responsive and can adapt to the needs and interests of Lakeland community members.


CASA is a group of passionate, community-conscious people working to organize, advocate for, and expand opportunities for Latino and immigrant people in the state of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. They do this by providing employment placement; workforce development and training; health education; citizenship and legal services; and financial, language, and literacy training to Latino and immigrant communities throughout the state.

Lakeland Elementary Middle School & Community School Coordinator

Lead. Explore. Grow. Achieve.

Lakeland Elem/Middle School is a community school that empowers our diverse learners to persevere and make a positive impact on our world.

Media Rhythm Institute

Media Rhythm Institute (MRI) is a collective of youth education programs focused on using media and art skills to promote STEM, enhance academic achievement and develop future entrepreneurs. MRI programs offer media and arts entertainment based enrichment and training the fields of dance performance, hip hop music composition and performance, dj’ing,  filmmaking, and videography.

Lakeland Judy Center 

The mission of the Lakeland Judy Center is to provide services that promote school readiness for children birth through age five. We offer free programs, resources, and access to supports that meet the needs of children, parents, and families in the Lakeland Community.

Baltimore City Recreation and Parks

Baltimore City Recreation and Parks is the city’s leading provider of affordable, year-round leisure and recreational activities for citizens of all ages and abilities. Beautiful parks, trails and waterways provide the perfect urban oasis.

LET’S GO Boys and Girls

LET’S GO Boys and Girls, Inc. (LET’S GO) set out to increase the number of STEM professionals from our urban underserved communities by engaging and supporting elementary and middle school students through the STEM education pipeline.

Higher Achievement

Higher Achievement is committed to advancing a vision that equips young scholars to thrive in school so that they can become the scientists and engineers, poets and journalists, artists, and titans of industry that they dream of being.

George Washington Carver Institute

The George Washington Carver Institute provides innovative, expert solutions for the pre-k to middle school community's integrated STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) education and career awareness services for parent, family, and community engagement and program design and management systems.

GWC’s primary services include instructional design, training, technical assistance, related staff and parent development products, and program consulting.